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Hârn Guild Team
Apothecaries' Guild Description of history, organisation and craft of the Apothecaries' Guild.
Author: Christian Düntgen. Draft: [PDF 539 kB]
Rasumondes Kreyterschatz
A compendium of western Lythia's medicinal herbs and extended herblore rules.
Author: James A. Chokey/Christian Düntgen. Final (German): [PDF 10.7 MB]
A description of the powerful association of guilds in Lythia.
Author:Christian Düntgen. Draft: [PDF 23 kB]
Miners' Guild Description of the structure and politics of the Miners' Guild.
Author: Christian Düntgen. Final: [PDF 364 kB]
Mining technology and craftsmanship. Covering mining methods, deposits, drifting, timbering, ventilation, dewatering. Many illustrations.
Author: Christian Düntgen. Final: [PDF 2.9 MB]
Metallurgy covers concentration, washing, smelteries, smelting procedures, refinement processes.
Author: Christian Düntgen. Draft: [PDF 3.0 MB] 
Mining in Lythia A compilation of mines indicated on the Kingdom Maps and several typical mines.
Author: Christian Düntgen. Draft: [PDF 106 kB]
Physicians' Society History, organisation, medicinal schools.
Author: Christian Düntgen. Draft: [PDF 543 kB]

Salters' Guild
Structure, politics and craftsmanship of Lythia's Salters' Guild, including descriptions of  different methods of preserving food, as salting, drying, smoking and cheese-making.
Author: Christian Düntgen. Draft: [PDF 543 kB]

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© 2012 by Christian Düntgen.